An Alphabetical Digest Of The Public Statute Law Of South-Carolina. Charleston, 1814 Page 37, Image 41 (1814) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

South Carolina

Malicious Mischief. § 13. And whereas an ill custom has prevailed in this province, of firing guns in the night time; for the prevention thereof for the future, Be it enacted, That if any person shall fire or shoot off any gun or pistol in the night time after dark and before day light, without necessity, every such person shall forfeit the sum of forty shillings current money, for each gun so fired as aforesaid; to be recovered by warrant from any one justice of the peace of the county where the offence is committed, according to the direction of …
Sensitive Places and Times


1731-43 S.C. Acts 174, § 41

South Carolina

XLI. And Whereas an ill custom has prevailed in this Province, of firing guns in the night time; for the prevention thereof for the future, be it enacted that if any person shall fire or shoot off any gun or pistol in the night time after dark and before day-light without necessity every such person shall forfeit the sum of 40s. current money for each gun so fired as aforesaid; to be recovered by warrant from any one justice of the peace of the county where the offense is committed, according to the direction of the act for the trial …
Firing Weapons


1731-43 S.C. Acts 168, § 23

South Carolina

It shall not be lawful for any slave, unless in the presence of some white person, to carry or make use of firearms or any offensive weapon whatsoever, unless such negro or slave shall have a ticket or license in writing from his master, mistress or overseer, to hunt and kill game, cattle, or mischievous birds or beasts of prey, and that such license be renewed once every month, or unless there be some white person of the age of 16 or upwards, in the company of such slave when he is hunting or shooting; or that such slave be …
Race and Slavery Based


1791 S.C. Acts 16, An Act To Amend And More Effectually Put In Force For The Time Therein Limited, The Act Entitled An Act For The Regulation Of The Militia Of This State . . .

South Carolina

. . . And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every free man of this state, liable to bear arms in any of the regiments, battalions or companies of foot in this state and who shall appear at any such regiment or battalion muster or at any muster or review ordered by his Excellency the governor, or at any company muster ordered in pursuance of this act, or by virtue of the said act of the twenty-sixth day of March 1784, not provided with a good musket and bayonet, and cartouch box capable of containing at least …
Militia Regulations


Alexander Edwards, Ordinances of the City Council of Charleston, in the State of South-Carolina, Passed since the Incorporation of the City, Collected and Revised Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council Page 153, Image 156 (1802) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

South Carolina

Ordinances of Charleston, An Ordinance to Revise and Amend an Ordinance Respecting Fires in the City of Charleston, and for other Purposes Therein Mentioned, § 5. And be it further Ordained by the Authority Aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the fire-masters to enter into the houses, out-houses, stables and yards of every owner or tenant of the same in Charleston, wherever they shall see occasion and enquire, search, and examine if any quantities of gun-powder ,hay, straw, fodder, pitch, tar, rosin, turpentine, hemp, oil, tallow, or other combustible matter, are lodged in any such place within …


Alexander Edwards, Ordinances of the City Council of Charleston, in the State of South-Carolina, Passed since the Incorporation of the City, Collected and Revised Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council Page 289, Image 299 (1802) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

South Carolina

[Ordinances of the City of Charleston, An Ordinance for Appointing Commissioners of the Streets, Defining their Powers, and for other Purposes therein Mentioned, § 8. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That no person or persons, shall fire any squibs, crackers, or other fireworks, except at times of public rejoicing, and at such places as the intendant for the time being may permit, by license under his hand; nor burn any chips, shavings, or other combustible matters, in any of the streets, lanes, wharves, alleys, or open or enclosed lots of the city, nor fire any gun, …
Firing Weapons


Ordinances, of the Town of Columbia, (S. C.) Passed Since the Incorporation of Said Town: To Which are Prefixed, the Acts of the General Assembly, for Incorporating the Said Town, and Others in Relation Thereto Page 61-61, Image 61-62 (1823) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

South Carolina

[Ordinances of the Town of Columbia, An Ordinance for Prohibiting the Firing of Guns in the Town of Columbia (1817). Whereas the practice of firing small arms within the town of Columbia is extremely dangerous to the lives; as well as the property of the inhabitants thereof, and ought to be strictly prohibited: Be it ordained by the Intendent and Municipal Wardens of the towns aforesaid, in council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That hereafter it shall not be lawful for any person to fire or discharge any gun, pistol or other small …
Firing Weapons


Ordinances, of the Town of Columbia, (S. C.) Passed Since the Incorporation of Said Town: To Which are Prefixed, the Acts of the General Assembly, for Incorporating the Said Town, and Others in Relation Thereto Page 75-76, Image 75-76 (1823) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

South Carolina

Ordinances of the Town of Columbia, An Ordinance to Prohibit the Keeping of more gun powder in the town of Columbia than a certain quantity, and for other purposes therein mentioned (1820). Be it ordained by the Intendant and Wardens of the town of Columbia, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the first day of July next, no merchant, retailer, dealer in powder, or any person or persons whatever, within the said town, shall retain, keep or have in his, her or their possession, at any time, a greater quantity of …


Edmund William McGregor Mackey, The Revised Statutes of the State of South Carolina, Prepared by Commissioners under an Act of the General Assembly, Approved March 9, 1869, to Which is Prefixed the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of South Carolina Page 404, Image 482 (1873) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

South Carolina

Hunting, General Provisions, § 21. That it shall not be lawful for any non-resident of this State to use a gun, set a trap or decoy, or to employ any other device for killing or taking deer, turkeys, ducks or other game, not to set a trap, seine, or net, or draw or use the same, or any other contrivance for taking or killing fish, within the territorial limits of this State.


1870 S.C. Laws 403, no. 288, § 4.

South Carolina

They may cause to be arrested all affrayers, rioters, disturbers and breakers of the peace, and all who go armed offensively, to the the terror of the people, and such as utter menaces or threatening speeches, or otherwise dangerous and disorderly persons.
Carrying Weapons


Edmund William McGregor Mackey, The Revised Statutes of the State of South Carolina, Prepared by Commissioners under an Act of the General Assembly, Approved March 9, 1869, to Which is Prefixed the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of South Carolina Page 710, Image 788 (1873) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

South Carolina

Of Offenses Against the Person, § 7. Whoever shall challenge another to fight at sword, pistol, rapier, or any other dangerous weapon, or who shall accept any such challenge, shall, for every offense, on conviction thereof, be deprived of the right of suffrage, and be disabled forever from holding any office of profit or honor under this State, and shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary for a term not exceeding two years, at the discretion of the Court.


1878 S.C. Acts 724, An Act to Amend An Act To Prevent Fishing With Nets In The Fresh Water Streams Of This State At Certain Seasons Of The Year

South Carolina

It shall not be lawful for any person on the Counties of Horry, Marion, Darlington, Clarendon, Chesterfield, Georgetown, Marlboro, and Williamsburg to fish with nets or gigs, or set traps, or shoot fish with any kind of gun, in any of the fresh water rivers, creeks, lakes or other streams in said Counties, between the first day of May and the first day of September in any year hereafter.


1880 S.C. Acts 448, § 1, as codified in S.C. Rev. Stat. (1894). § 129 (2472.)

South Carolina

§ 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, not met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That any person carrying a pistol , dirk, dagger, slung shot, metal knuckles, razor, or other deadly weapon usually used for the infliction of personal injury, concealed about his person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, before a Court of competent jurisdiction shall forfeit to the County the weapon so carried concealed and be fined in a sum not more than two hundred dollars, …
Carrying Weapons


1880 S.C. Acts 448, An Act To Provide A Punishment For Carrying Any Deadly Weapon Concealed About The Person, §5

South Carolina

That if any person be convicted of assault, assault and battery, or assault and battery with intent to kill, or of manslaughter, and it shall appear upon the trial that the assault, assault and battery, assault, assault and battery with intent to kill, or manslaughter, shall have been committed with a deadly weapons of the character specified in Section one (1) of this Act, carried concealed upon the person of the defendant so convicted, the presiding Judge shall, in addition to the punishment provided by law for such assault, assault and battery, assault, or assault and battery with intent to …
Sentence Enhancement for Use of Weapon


John E. Breazeale, The Revised Statutes of South Carolina, Containing the Code of Civil Procedure, and the Criminal Statutes. Also The Constitutions of the United States and of the State, and the Rules of the Supreme and of the Circuit Courts of the State Page 431, Image 529 (Vol. 2, 1894) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

South Carolina

Chapter XXVIII Violations of the License Laws by Insurance and Other Companies, Emigrant Agents, owners or shows, etc., Persons Selling Pistols, etc. §490. No person or corporation within the limits of this State shall sell or offer for sale any pistol, rifle, cartridge or pistol cartridge less than .45 caliber, or metal knuckles, without first obtaining a license from the county in which such person or corporation is doing business so to do. The County Board of Commissioners of the several Counties of this State are authorized to issue licenses in their respective Counties for the sale of pistols and …
Manufacturing, Inspection and Sale of Gunpowder and Firearms