1639 Va. Acts 226, Acts of January 6th, 1639, Act X, available at https://archive.org/details/statutesatlargeb01virg


All persons except negroes to be provided with arms and ammunition or be fined at pleasure of the Governor and Council.
Race and Slavery Based


The Colonial Laws Of New York From The Year 1664 To The Revolution, Including The Charters To The Duke Of York, The Commissions And Instructions To Colonial Governors, The Dukes Laws, The Laws Of The Dongan And Leisler Assemblies, The Charters Of Albany And New York And The Acts Of The Colonial Legislatures From 1691 To 1775 Inclusive Page 687, Image 689 (1894) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

New York

Laws of the Colony of New York. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that it shall not be lawful for any slave or slave to have or use any gun, pistol, sword, club or any other kind of weapon whatsoever, but in the presence or by the direction of his her or their Master or Mistress, and in their own ground on Penalty of being whipped for the same at the discretion of the Justice of the Peace before whom such complaint shall come or upon the view of the said justice not exceeding twenty lashes on …
Race and Slavery Based


The Grants, Concessions, And Original Constitutions Of The Province Of New Jersey Page 341, Image 345 (1881) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

New Jersey

[An Act Concerning Slaves, Etc. Whereas complaint is made by the inhabitants of this Province, that they are greatly injured by slaves having liberty to carry guns and dogs into the woods and plantations, under the pretense of gunning, do kill swine. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Deputies in General Assembly met and assembled and by the authority of the same] that no slave or slaves within this Province after publication hereof, be permitted to carry any gun or pistol, or take any dog with him or them into the woods, or plantations, upon any pretense whatsoever: …
Race and Slavery Based


1715 Md. Laws 117, An Act For The Speedy Trial Of Criminals, And Ascertaining Their Punishment In The County Courts When Prosecuted There, And For Payment Of Fees Due From Criminal Persons, chap. 26, § 32


That no negro or other slave within this province shall be permitted to carry any gun, or any other offensive weapon, from off their master’s land, without licence from their said master; and if any negro or other slave shall presume so to do, he shall be liable to be carried before a justice of peace, and be whipped, and his gun or other offensive weapon shall be forfeited to him that shall seize the same and carry such negro so offending before a justice of peace.
Race and Slavery Based


1715-55 N.C. Sess. Laws 36, An Additional Act to an Act for Appointing Toll-Books, and for Preventing People from Driving Horses, Cattle, or Hogs to Other Persons’ Lands, ch. 5, § 7.

North Carolina

And whereas great damages are frequently done, by slaves being permitted to hunt or range with dogs or guns: For prevention whereof, it shall not be lawful for any slave, on any pretence whatsoever, to go, range, or hunt on any person’s land other than his masters [sic], with dog or gun, or any weapon, unless there be a white man in his company; under the penalty of twenty shillings to be paid by his master, for every offense unto the owner of the land whereon such slave shall range or hunt[.]
Race and Slavery Based


1731-43 S.C. Acts 168, § 23

South Carolina

It shall not be lawful for any slave, unless in the presence of some white person, to carry or make use of firearms or any offensive weapon whatsoever, unless such negro or slave shall have a ticket or license in writing from his master, mistress or overseer, to hunt and kill game, cattle, or mischievous birds or beasts of prey, and that such license be renewed once every month, or unless there be some white person of the age of 16 or upwards, in the company of such slave when he is hunting or shooting; or that such slave be …
Race and Slavery Based


1750-1756 N.J Laws 444, An Act Regulating Taverns, Ordinaries, Inn Keepers and Retailers of Strong Liquors, ch. 112, § 4.

New Jersey

That if any Negro or Mulatto Slave or Slaves shall be seen or found from his or their Masters [sic] House, after the Hour of Nine at Night except on their Masters [sic] or Mistresses [sic] particular Business, or shall be seen to hunt, or carrying a Gun on the Lord’s Day; the Constable or Constables of such Town or Precinct, on Information or Knowledge thereof, shall and are hereby required and directed, to apprehend and carry such Negro and Mulatto Slaves before the next Justice of the Peace, who shall order such Negro or Mulatto Slave or Slaves, if …
Race and Slavery Based


A Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia. From Its First Establishment as a British Province down to the Year 1798, Inclusive, and the Principal Acts of 1799: In Which is Comprehended the Declaration of Independence; the State Constitutions of 1777 and 1789, with the Alterations and Amendments in 1794. Also the Constitution of 1798 Page 153-154, Image 160-161 (1800) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Laws of Georgia, An Act to amend and Continue “An Act for the Establishing and Regulating Patrols, and for Preventing any Person from Purchasing Provisions or any Other Commodities from, or Selling Such to any Slave, Unless Such Slave Shall Produce a Ticket from His or Her Owner, Manager or Employer . . . Be it enacted, That immediately from and after passing of this act, it shall not be lawful for any slave, unless in the presence of some white person, to carry or make use of fire arms, or any offensive weapon whatsoever, unless such slave shall have …
Race and Slavery Based


Collection of All Such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a Public and Permanent Nature, as Are Now in Force; with a New and Complete Index. To Which are Prefixed the Declaration of Rights, and Constitution, or Form of Government Page 187, Image 195 (1803) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


[An Act to Reduce into one, the Several Acts Concerning Slaves, Free Negroes, and Mulattoes (1792),] § 8. No negro or mulatto whatsoever shall keep or carry any gun, powder, shot, club, or other weapon whatsoever, offensive or defensive, but all and every gun, weapon, and ammunition found in the possession or custody of any negro or mulatto, may be seized by any person, and upon due proof thereof made before any Justice of the Peace of the County or Corporation where such seizure shall be, shall by his order be forfeited to the seizor for his own use ; …
Race and Slavery Based


1797 Del. Laws 104, An Act For the Trial Of Negroes, ch. 43, §6.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any Negro or Mulatto slave shall presume to carry any guns, swords, pistols, fowling pieces, clubs, or other arms and weapons whatsoever, without his master’s special license for the same, and be convicted thereof before a magistrate, he shall be whipped with twenty-one lashes, upon his bare back.
Race and Slavery Based


Charles Nettleton, Laws of the State of New-Jersey Page 370-371, Image 397-398 (1821) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

New Jersey

[An Act Respecting Slaves, § 9. And be it enacted, That if any negro or other slave shall be seen or found from the dwelling-house of his or her master or mistress after the hour of ten at night, except on the particular business of his or her master or mistress, or shall be seen to hunt or carry a gun on the first day of the week, or Christian Sabbath, commonly called Sunday, any constable or other person, of information or knowledge thereof, is hereby authorized, and it is especially made the duty of such constable, to apprehend and …
Race and Slavery Based


1798 Ky. Acts 106, § 5.


No negro, mulatto, or Indian whatsoever, shall keep or carry any gun, powder, shot, club, or other weapon whatsoever, offensive or defensive, but all and every gun, weapon and ammunition found in the possession or custody of any negro, mulatto or Indian, may be seized by any person and upon due proof thereof made before any justice of the peace of the county where such seizure shall be, shall by his order, be forfeited to the seizor for his own use, and moreover every such offender shall have and receive by order of such justice any number of lashes not …
Race and Slavery Based


1799 Miss. Laws 113, A Law For The Regulation Of Slaves.


[Slaves interdicted the carrying arms, etc.] No negro or mulatto shall keep or carry any gun, powder, shot, club or other weapon whatsoever, offensive or defensive; but all and every gun, weapon and ammunition found in the possession or custody of any negro or mulatto may be seized by any person, and upon due proof thereof made before any justice of the peace of the county where such seizure shall be, shall by his order be forfeited to the seizor for his own use, and moreover every such offender shall have and receive by order of such justice, any number …
Race and Slavery Based


1804 Ind. Acts 108, A Law Entitled a Law Respecting Slaves, § 4.


And be it further enacted, That no slave or mulatto whatsoever, shall keep or carry any gun, powder, shot, club or other weapon whatsoever, offensive or defensive, but all and every gun weapon and ammunition found in the possession or custody of any negro or mulatto, may be seized by any person, and upon due proof thereof made before any justice of the peace of the district where such seizure shall be, shall by his order be forfeited to the seizor, for his own use, and moreover every such offender shall have and receive by order of such justice any …
Race and Slavery Based


1804 Miss. Laws 90-91, An Act Respecting Slaves, § 4.


[Slaves not to carry offensive or defensive weapons]. [N]o Slave shall keep or carry any gun, powder, shot, club or other weapon whatsoever offensive or defensive, except tools given him to work with, or that he is ordered by his master, mistress or overseer to carry the said articles from one place to another, but all, and every gun, weapon or ammunition found in the possession or custody of any slave, may be seized by any person, and upondue proof thereof made before any justice of the peace of the county or corporation, where such seizure shall be made, by …
Race and Slavery Based


Harry Toulmin, A Digest of the Laws of the State of Alabama : Containing the Statutes and Resolutions in Force at the End of the General Assembly in January, 1823. To which is Added an Appendix; Containing the Declaration of Independence; the Constitution of the United States; the Act authorizing the People of Alabama to form a Constitution and State Government; and the Constitution of the State of Alabama Page 627, Image 655 (1823) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Negroes and Mulattoes, Bond and Free – 1805, Chapter I, An Act respecting Slaves. – Passed March 6, 1805: Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, that no slave shall keep or carry any gun, powder, shot, club, or other weapon whatsoever, offensive or defensive, except the tools given him to work with, or that he is ordered by his master, mistress, or overseer, to carry the said articles from one place to another, but all and every gun , weapon, or ammunition, found in the possession or custody of any slave, may be seized by any person, and upon …
Race and Slavery Based


1805 Va. Acts 51, An Act Concerning Free Negroes and Mulatoes


That no free negro or mulato shall be suffered to keep or carry any firelock of any kind… without first obtaining a license from the court…
Race and Slavery Based


1806 Va. Acts 51, ch. 94


Required every “free negro or mulatto” to first obtain a license before carrying or keeping “any fire-lock of any kind, any military weapon, or any powder or lead.”
Registration and Taxation Race and Slavery Based


1806 Md. Laws 44, An Act To Restrain The Evil Practices Arising From Negroes Keeping Dogs, And To Prohibit Them From Carrying Guns Or Offensive Weapons, ch. 81


…it shall not be lawful for any negro or mulatto within this state to keep any dog, bitch or gun , except he be a free negro or mulatto, and in that case he may be permitted to keep one dog, provided such free negro or mulatto shall obtain a license from a justice of the peace for that purpose, and that the said license shall be in force for one year, and no longer, and if any dog or bitch owned by any negro, not possessed of such license, shall be seen going at large, it shall be lawful …
Race and Slavery Based


Henry S. Geyer, A Digest of the Laws of Missouri Territory. Comprising: An Elucidation of the Title of the United States to Louisiana:-Constitution of the United States:-Treaty of Session:-Organic Laws:-Laws of Missouri Territory, (Alphabetically Arranged):-Spanish Regulations for the Allotment of Lands:- Laws of the United States, for Adjusting Titles to Lands, &c. to Which are Added, a Variety of Forms, Useful to Magistrates Page 374, Image 386 (1818) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Slaves, § 3. No slave or mulatto whatsoever, shall keep or carry a gun, powder, shot, club or other weapon whatsoever, offensive or defensive; but all and every gun weapon and ammunition found in the possession or custody of any negro or mulatto, may be seized by any person and upon due proof made before any justice of the peace of the district [county] where such seizure shall be, shall by his order be forfeited to the seizor, for his own use, and moreover, every such offender shall have and receive by order of such justice any number of lashes …
Race and Slavery Based


Ordinances of the Borough of Vincennes, with the Act of Incorporation and Supplement Thereto Prefixed Page 54-55, Image 54-55 (1820) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


[An Ordinance to Prevent Nuisances, Etc.] § 7. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That any negro or mulatto, shall be punished with thirty-nine stripes on the bare back, if found with deadly weapons, other than the legal implements of his, or her business, when engaged therein; and it is hereby made the duty of the town constable, and permitted to any other citizen, to disarm and imprison such negro or mulatto, as may be found with a belt or butcher-knife, dirk, sword, or pistol, and make complaint to any magistrate within this Borough, to award the aforesaid …
Race and Slavery Based


1827 Del. Laws 153, An Act Concerning Crimes And Offenses Committed By Slaves, And For, The Security Of Slaves Properly Demeaning Themselves, ch. 6, § 8.


That is any negro or mulatto slave shall join, or be willingly present at any riot, rout or unlawful assembly, or shall commit an assault and battery upon any white person, or shall without special permission of his or her master or mistress, presume to carry any gun, pistol, sword, dirk, or other unusual or dangerous weapon or arms; every negro or mulatto slave so offending, and being thereof convicted before any Justice of the Peace for the county, in which the offence shall be committed, shall be whipped with not less than ten nor more than forty lashes, publically …
Race and Slavery Based


1832 Del. Laws 208, A Supplement to an Act to Prevent the Use of Firearms by Free Negroes and Free Mulattoes, and for Other Purposes, chap. 176, § 1.


. . . it shall not be lawful for free negroes and free mulattoes to have, own, keep or possess any gun, pistol, sword or any warlike instruments whatsoever: Provided however, that if upon application of any such free negro or free mulatto to one of the justices of the peace of the county in which such free negro or free mulatto resides, it shall satisfactorily appear upon the written certificate of five or more respectable and judicious citizens of the neighborhood, that such free negro or free mulatto is a person of fair character, and that the circumstances of …
Race and Slavery Based


1835-36 Tenn. Pub. Acts 168, An Act to Amend the Penal Laws of the State, ch. 58, § 1.


Any free person who, without the consent of the owner, shall sell, loan or give to any slave, any gun, pistol, sword, or dirk, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction by presentment or indictment, be fined not less than fifty dollars, and imprisoned not less than ten days.
Race and Slavery Based


Revised Statutes of the State of Arkansas, Adopted at the October Session of the General Assembly of Said State, A. D. 1837, in the Year of Our Independence the Sixty-second, and of the State of Second Year Page 733-734, Image 748-749 (1838) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Slaves, § 23. Any gun or other offensive or defensive weapon found in the possession of a slave, without having the written permission of his master the carry the same, may be seized by any person, and upon proof of such seizure before a justice of the peace of the county where the same shall have been made, such gun or weapon shall be by the order of such justice, adjudged and forfeited to the seizor for his own use, and such slave shall receive by the order of such justice, any number of stripes not exceeding thirty.
Race and Slavery Based