1847 Conn. Acts 11, An Act Relating To Cemeteries, chap. 9.


That every person, who shall willfully and maliciously destroy, mutilate, deface or injure, or remove any tomb, monument or gravestone or other structure placed within any cemetery, grave yard or place of public burial . . . or shall discharge any gun or other fire-arm within said cemetery, shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a common gaol not exceeding six months, or by such fine and imprisonment both at the discretion of the Court having cognizance of the offence . . . .
Sensitive Places and Times


1859 Conn. Acts 62, An Act in Addition to and in Alteration of “An Act For Forming And Conducting The Military Force,” chap. 82, § 5.


If any booth shed, tent, or other temporary erection, within one mile of any military parade-ground, muster-field or encampment, shall be used and occupied for the sale of spirituous or intoxicating liquor, or for the purpose of gambling, the officer commanding said parade-ground, muster-field or encampment, the sheriff or deputy-sheriff of the county, or any justice of the peace, selectman, or constable of the town in which such booth, shed, tent, or other temporary erection is situated, upon having notice or knowledge that the same is not used or occupied, shall notify the owner or occupant thereof to vacate and …
Sensitive Places and Times


J. M. Meech, Charter and Revised Ordinances of the City of Norwich With the Amendments Thereto, and Statutes of the State Relating to Municipal Corporations, in Force January 1st, 1877 Page 178, Page 185 (1876) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Ordinances of Norwich. § 15. No person or persons shall fire any swivel, musket, fowling-piece, pistol, or other gun of any description within said city at a less distance than fifty rods from any dwelling house, or public highway, or street without written permission from the Mayor or one of the aldermen of said city; and every person so offending shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay for the use of said city the sum of three dollars: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend to the members of any military company when under the …
Sensitive Places and Times


The Charter and By-Laws of the Borough of Wallingford Page 55, Image 60 (1882) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


By-Laws of the Borough of Wallingford. § 15. . . . the discharging any pistol, gun, cannon or other fire-arms, by any person or military company in any street, park or public ground, provided this section does not apply to the use of such weapons in lawful defense of the person, family or property of any one, in the performance of any duty required by law. . . without the consent of the warden or court of burgesses, are hereby prohibited; and every person who shall, without such consent of said warden or court of burgesses first had or obtained, …
Sensitive Places and Times