The Public Records Of The Colony Of Connecticut, Prior To The Union With New Haven Colony, May, 1665 Page 79, Image 91 (1850) available atThe Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


It is ordered, that no man within this Jurisdiction shall directly or indirectly amend, repair, or cause to be amended or repaired, any gun small or great belonging to any Indian, nor shall endure the same, nor shall sell or give to any Indian, directly or indirectly, any such gun or gunpowder, or shot, or lead, or mold, or military weapons, or armor, nor shall make any arrow heads, upon pain of a ten pound fine for every offense at least, nor sell nor barter any guns, powder, bullets or lead, whereby this order might be evaded, to any person …
Felons, Foreigners and Others Deemed Dangerous By the State Registration and Taxation


The Public Records Of The Colony Of Connecticut, Prior To The Union With New Haven Colony, May, 1665 Page 113-114, Image 125-126 (1850) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Whereas it is observed that the Dutch and French do sell and trade to the Indians guns, pistols, and warlike instruments. It is not ordered, that nor person within these liberties shall at any time sell nether gun nor pistol, nor any instrument of war, neither to Dutch nor French men under the penalty of forfeiting twenty for one, and suffering such corporal punishment as the court shall inflict.
Felons, Foreigners and Others Deemed Dangerous By the State


1723 Conn. Acts 292, An Act For Preventing Lending Guns, Ammunition etc. to the Indians.


. . . [N]o Persons or Persons within this Colony, shall be Allowed or Admitted to Prosecute before any Assistant or Justice of the Peace or Court of Judicature in this Colony, any Action of Debt, Detinue, or other Action whatsoever for any Gun or Guns, or Ammunition, Lent, Sold, or any ways Trusted to any Indian or Indians whatsoever, till this Court shall see cause to Order otherwise; and that every such Gun Lent as aforesaid, shall be forfeited; One half to him that shall Prosecute to Effect, the other to the County Treasury where such prosecution is.
Felons, Foreigners and Others Deemed Dangerous By the State