The Public Records Of The Colony Of Connecticut. Hartford, 1890 Page 190-192, Image 194-196, available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


An Act for Encouraging the Manufacture of Salt Petre and Gun Powder. . .Be it enacted, That no salt petre, nitre or gun-powder made and manufactured, or that shall be made and manufactured in this Colony, shall be exported out of the same by land or water without the license of the General Assembly or his Honor the Governor and Committee of Safety, under the penalty of twenty pounds for every hundred weight of such salt petre, ntire or gun-powder, and proportionately for a greater or lesser quantity so without license exported; to be recovered by bill, plaint, or information, …
Manufacturing, Inspection and Sale of Gunpowder and Firearms


1836 Conn. Acts 105, An Act Incorporating The Cities of Hartford, New Haven, New London, Norwich and Middletown, chap. 1, § 20.


. . . relative to prohibiting and regulating the bringing in, and conveying out, or storing of gunpowder in said cities . . . .
Manufacturing, Inspection and Sale of Gunpowder and Firearms