The Colonial Laws Of New York From The Year 1664 To The Revolution, Including The Charters To The Duke Of York, The Commissions And Instructions To Colonial Governors, The Dukes Laws, The Laws Of The Dongan And Leisler Assemblies, The Charters Of Albany And New York And The Acts Of The Colonial Legislatures From 1691 To 1775 Inclusive Page 687, Image 689 (1894) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

New York

Laws of the Colony of New York. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that it shall not be lawful for any slave or slave to have or use any gun, pistol, sword, club or any other kind of weapon whatsoever, but in the presence or by the direction of his her or their Master or Mistress, and in their own ground on Penalty of being whipped for the same at the discretion of the Justice of the Peace before whom such complaint shall come or upon the view of the said justice not exceeding twenty lashes on …
Race and Slavery Based