Documents Relative To The Colonial History Of The State Of New-York Page 254-255, Image 274-275 (1855) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

New York

A letter from Governor Clinton to the Lords of Trade. . . . I have taken every other precaution in my power to guard against my surprise by sending circular orders to the respective Colonels of Militia and to the Captains of his Majesty’s Companies posted in this province to inspect the Arms and Accoutrements of their men, and see that they are in good order and fit for immediate service, and that as often as conveniently may be they do exercise the men in arms keeping strict discipline, whereby they may be able not only to repel the French …
Manufacturing, Inspection and Sale of Gunpowder and Firearms


Mark Ash, The New York City Consolidation Act, as in Force in 1891: With Notes Indicating the Statutory Sources, References to Judicial Decisions, and All Laws Relating to New York City, Passed Since January 1, 1882, Together with an Appendix of the Royal English Colonial Charters of New York City Page 209, Image 233 (Vol. 1, 1891) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

New York

Ordinances of the City of New York, § 455. No person shall manufacture, have, keep, sell, or give away any gunpowder, blasting powder, gun-cotton, niro-glycerine, dualin, or any explosive oils or compounds, within the corporate limits of the city of New York, except in the quantities limited, in the manner, and upon the conditions herein provided, and under such regulations as the board of fire commissioners shall prescribe : and said board shall make suitable provision for the storage and safe keeping of gunpowder and other dangerous and explosive compounds or articles enumerated under this title, beyond the interior line …
Manufacturing, Inspection and Sale of Gunpowder and Firearms