1639 N.J. Laws 18, Ordinance of the Director and Council of New Netherland, Prohibiting the Sale of Firearms, etc. to Indians . . .

New Jersey

Whereas the Director General and Council of New Netherland have observed that many persons, both Servants of the Company and Inhabitants, have contrary to the orders and commands of their High Mightiness the Lords States General and the Incorporated West India Company, presumed to sell to the Indians in these parts, Guns, Powder and Lead, which hath already caused much mischief, and if no means be adopted by Us here to prevent the same would hereafter entail nothing else than greater evil; Therefore every inhabitant of New Netherland, be his state, quality or condition what it may, is most expressely …
Felons, Foreigners and Others Deemed Dangerous By the State


Charles Nettleton, Laws of the State of New-Jersey Page 26, Image 53 (1821) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

New Jersey

An Act for the Preservation of Deer, and other game, and to prevent trespassing with guns (1771), § 1. Be it Enacted by the Governor, Council and General Assembly of this colony of New Jersey, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That if any person or persons shall presume, at any time after the publication hereof, to carry any gun on any lands not his own, and for which the owner pays taxes, or is in his lawful possession, unless he hath license or permission in writing from the owner or owners, or legal possessor, …
Felons, Foreigners and Others Deemed Dangerous By the State Carrying Weapons