The Fundamental Constitutions for the Province of East New Jersey in America, (1683) art. VII

New Jersey

. . . the great Assembly should have power, by act confirmed as there expressed, to erect, raise and build within the said Province, or any part thereof, such and so many forts, castles, cities and other places of defense, and the same, or any of them, to fortify and furnish with such provisions and proportions of ordnance, powder, shot, armour and all other weapons, ammunition and abilments of war, both offensive and defensive, as shall be thought necessary and convenient for the safety and welfare of the said Province; as also to constitute train bands and companies, with the …
Militia Regulations


1778 N.J. Laws 45, 2d. General Assembly, An Act for the Regulating, Training and Arraying of the Militia, ch. 21, § 11.

New Jersey

That every Person enrolled shall constantly keep himself furnished with a good Musket, well fitted with a Bayonet, Steel Ramrod and Worm, a Cartridge-box, twenty three Rounds of Cartridges sized to his Musket, a Priming-wire, Brush and twelve Flints, a Knapsack and Canteen under the Forfeiture of Six Shillings for the Want of a Musket, and One Shilling for the Want of the other Articles whenever called out to Training or Service, to be recovered and applied as herein after is directed: Provided always, That if any Person be furnished as aforesaid, with a good Rifle Gun, the Apparatus necessary …
Militia Regulations