1639 Va. Acts 228, Act of January 6th, 1639, Act XXI, https://archive.org/details/statutesatlargeb01virg


Not to shoot or hunt on other men’s land that is seated and bounds marked under penalty of 40s. but may pursue deer and shoot on their own land.


1642 Va. Acts 248, Acts of March 2nd, 1642, Act XI, available at https://archive.org/details/statutesatlargeb01virg


Whereas the rights and interests of the inhabitants are very much infringed by hunting and shooting of diverse men upon their neighbors lands and dividends contrary to the privileges granted to them by their patents, whereby many injuries do daily happen to the great damage of the owners of the land whereon such hunting or shooting is used, It is therefore enacted and confirmed that if any planter or person shall hunt or shoot upon or within the precincts or limits of his neighbor or other divident without leave first obtained for his so doing, and having been warned by …


1852 Va. Acts 133, An Act Amending The Twentieth Section Of Chapter . . . Concerning Wild Fowl, § 20


If any person, except from the land, shall shoot at or kill wild fowl during the night within this state, … he may be convicted thereof before a justice; and on conviction, shall surrender his gun…


Third Edition of the Code of Virginia: Including Legislation to January 1, 1874 Page 802-803, Image 821-822 (1873) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Unlawful Hunting: Hunting on another’s land, or in the streets of a city or town, or along a public road, prohibited; penalty; how recoverable, § 5. If any person shall hunt, shoot, fowl or range with or without dogs, on the lands of another, without the consent of the owner or tenant of such lands, or shoot along any public road, or in the streets of any town or village, in any of the counties of this commonwealth, on the lands comprehended in the survey of any proprietor, he shall be deemed guilty of a trespass, and shall be fined …


1875 Va. Acts 109, An Act To Amend And Re-enact Section Twelve, Chapter Ninety-nine, Code of Eighteen Hundred And Seventy-Three, for the Protection Of Wild Fowl in the Counties Bordering on the Potomac And Rappahannock, ch. 100, § 12


If any person shall, at any time, either in the night or day-time, shoot at wild fowl in any county bordering . . . with any gun which cannot be conveniently discharged from the shoulder at arm’s length without a rest, or have such gun in his possession on a boat, a justice of any such county shall require such gun to be surrendered, and shall order it to be destroyed, and shall fine the offender ten dollars. . .