George H. Hand, The Revised Codes of the Territory of Dakota, A. D. 1877. Comprising the Codes and General Statutes Passed at the Twelfth Session of the Legislative Assembly, and All other General Laws Remaining in Force Page 798, Image 826 (1877) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources. (An entry for this law is included for both North and South Dakota because it passed during the Dakota Territory period.)

South Dakota

Penal Code – Discharging Firearms, § 495. Every person who willfully discharges any species of firearms, air-gun or other weapon, or throws any other missile in any public place, or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby, although no injury to any person shall ensue, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Firing Weapons


George H. Hand, The Revised Codes of the Territory of Dakota. A.D. 1877. Comprising the Codes and General Statutes Passed at the Twelfth Session of the Legislative Assembly, and All Other General Laws Remaining in Force. To Which is Prefixed the Organic Law and the Constitution of the United States Page 760, Image 803 (1880) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources. (An Entry for this statute exists for both North and South Dakota because it was passed during the territorial period.)

South Dakota

Crimes Defined, § 495. Discharging Firearms. Every person who willfully discharges any species of firearms, air-gun, or other weapon, or throws any other missile in any public place, or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby, although no injury to any person shall ensue, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Firing Weapons