The Revised Statutes of Colorado: as Passed at the Seventh Session of the Legislative Assembly, Convened on the Second Day of December, A.D. 1867. Also, the Acts of a Public Nature Passed at the Same Session, and the Prior Laws Still in: Together with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Organic Act, and the Amendments Thereto Page 606, Image 606 (1868) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Towns and Cities: Article III. General Powers of Trustees, §1. The board of trustees of every such town shall have control of the finances, and all the property, real and personal, belonging to the corporation; and shall likewise have power within the limits of the town: . . . Seventh, To provide regulations for the prevention and extinguishment of fires; to prevent the erection of wooden buildings within prescribed limits; to regulate the construction of chimneys, furnaces and fire-places; to regulate the storage of gunpowder, gun-cotton, nitro-glycerine, tar, pitch, resin, and other combustible or inflammable materials, and to prescribe the …


Thomas M. Patterson, The Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denver, as Adopted Since the Incorporation of the City and Its Organization, November, 1861, to the First Day of February, A.D., 1875, Revised and Amended, Together with an Act of the Legislature of the Territory of Colorado, in Relation to Municipal Corporations Page 135, Image 135 (1875) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


[Ordinances] of the City of Denver, § 12. No person shall keep at his place of business or elsewhere within this city a greater quantity of gunpowder or gun-cotton than twenty-five pounds at one time, and the same shall be kept in tin or copper canisters or cases containing not to exceed five pounds in each and in a situation remote from fires, lighted lamps and candles, and from which they may easily be removed in case of fire; and no person or persons shall sell or weigh any gunpowder or guncotton after the lighting of lamps in the evening …


Isham White, The Laws and Ordinances of the City of Denver, Colorado Page 355, Image 355 (1886) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Vehicles for Transporting Powder, Sec. 14. No wagon, dray, cart or other vehicle loaded, in whole or in part, with gunpowder or gun-cotton, shall be permitted to stand or remain on any street, alley, highway or place in said city, except when unavoidably detained, and every magazine, safe, box or keg used for storing or transporting, and all vehicles employed in hauling gunpowder or gun-cotton within the city, shall have the word “Powder” painted upon both sides of the same in large letters.