1861 Nev. Stat. 61, An Act Concerning Crimes and Punishments, ch. 28, § 36.


Any person who shall engage in a duel with any deadly weapon, although no homicide ensue, or shall challenge another to fight such duel, or shall send or deliver any verbal or written message, purporting or intending to be such challenge, although no duel ensue, shall be punished by imprisonment in the Territorial Prison, not less than two, nor more than ten years, and shall be incapable of voting or holding any office of trust or profit, under the laws of this Territory.


Bonnifield, The Compiled Laws of the State of Nevada. Embracing Statutes of 1861 to 1873, Inclusive Page 563, Image 705 (Vol. 1, 1873) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Of Crimes and Punishments, § 35. If any person shall by previous appointment or agreement, fight a duel with a rifle, shotgun, pistol, bowie knife, dirk, smallsword, backsword, or other dangerous weapon, and in doing shall kill his antagonist, or any person or persons, or shall inflict such wound as that the party or parties injured shall die thereof within one year thereafter, every such offender shall be deemed guiltily of murder in the first degree and upon conviction thereof shall be punished accordingly. § 36. Any person who shall engage in a duel with any deadly weapon although no …