7 Ric. 2, 35, ch. 13 (1383)

English Law

Item, it is ordained and assented, and also the King doth prohibit, That from henceforth no Man shall ride in Harness within the Realm, contrary to the Form of the Statute of Northampton thereupon made, neither with Launcegay within the Realm, the which Launcegays be clearly put out within the said Realm, as a Thing prohibited by our Lord the King, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the said Launcegays, Armours, and other Harness, in whose hands or Possession they be found that bear them within the Realm, contrary to the Statutes and Ordinances aforesaid without the King’s special license.
Dangerous or Unusual Weapons


7 Ric. 2, 35, ch. 13 (1383)

English Law

Item, it is ordained and assented, and also the King doth prohibit, That from henceforth no Man shall ride in Harness within the Realm, contrary to the Form of the Statute of Northampton thereupon made, neither with Launcegay within the Realm, the which Launcegays be clearly put out within the said Realm, as a Thing prohibited by our Lord the King, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the said Launcegays, Armours, and other Harness, in whose hands or Possession they be found that bear them within the Realm, contrary to the Statutes and Ordinances aforesaid without the King’s special license. *Note* …
Dangerous or Unusual Weapons


33 Hen. 8, c. 6, § 1, An Act Concernin Crossbows and Handguns (1541).

English Law

Where in the Parliament holden at Westminster the fifteenth day of January in the twenty-fifth year of the King’s most gracious reign, and there continued and kept until the thirtieth day of March then next ensuing, among diverse and sundry wholesome and laudable acts, statutes, and ordinances one statute and ordinance was made and ordained for the avoiding and eschewing of shooting in crossbows and handguns; since the making of which act diverse malicious and evil disposed persons not only presume willfully and obstinately the violation and breach of the said Act, but also of their malicious and evil disposed …
Carrying Weapons Dangerous or Unusual Weapons