7 Edw. 2, 170 (1313)

English Law

The King [to the Justices of his Bench,] sendeth Greeting, Whereas of late before certain Persons deputed to treat upon sundry debates had between Us and certain great Men of our Realm, amongst other things it was accorded, That in our next Parliament after, Provisoin [shall] be made by Us, and the common assent of the prelates, Earls, and Barons, that in all Parliaments, [Treatises,] and other assemblies, which should be made in the Realm of England [ for ever] that every Man shall come without all Force and Armour, well and peaceably, to the Honour of Us, and the …
Sensitive Places and Times


4 Hen 4, c. 29

English Law

It is ordained and established, that from henceforth no Man be armed nor bear defensible armor to Merchant Towns Churches nor Congregations in the same, nor in the Highways, in affray of the Peace or the King’s Liege people, upon pain of imprisonment, and to make Fine and Ransom at the King’s Will; except those which be lawful Liege People to our Sovereign Lord the King.
Felons, Foreigners and Others Deemed Dangerous By the State Sensitive Places and Times