Statutes of the Territory of Washington, Being the Code Passed by the Legislative Assembly, at Their First Session Begun and Held at Olympia, February 27th, 1854: Also Containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Organic Act of Washington Territory, the Donation Laws, &c., &c. Page 80, Image 80 (1855) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


[Of Offenses Against the Lives and Persons of Individuals,] § 28. Every person who shall assault and beat another with a cowhide or whip, having with him at the time a pistol, or other deadly weapon, shall on conviction thereof, be imprisoned in the county jail not more than one year, nor less than three months, and be fined in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars.
Sentence Enhancement for Use of Weapon


1854 Wash. Sess. Laws 80, An Act Relative to Crimes and Punishments, and Proceedings in Criminal Cases, ch. 2, § 28.


Every person who shall assault and beat another with a cowhide or whip, having with him at the time a pistol, or other deadly weapon, shall on conviction thereof, be imprisoned in the county jail not more than one year, nor less than three months, and be fined in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars.
Sentence Enhancement for Use of Weapon


1859 Wash. Sess. Laws 108-109, An Act Relative to Crimes and Punishment and the Proceeding in Criminal Cases, ch. 2, § 28.


Every prison [sic] who shall assault and beat another with a cowhide or whip, having with him at the time a pistol or other deadly weapon, shall, on conviction thereof, be imprisoned in the county jail not more than one year nor less than three months, and be fined in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. (double the maximum sentence for simple assault and battery).
Sentence Enhancement for Use of Weapon


1869 Wash. Sess. Laws 203, An Act Relative to Crimes and Punishments And Proceedings In Criminal Cases, ch. 2, § 31.


Every person who shall assault and beat another with a cowhide or whip, having with him at the time a pistol or other deadly weapon, shall, on conviction thereof, be imprisoned in the county jail not more than one year nor less than three months, and be fined in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars.
Sentence Enhancement for Use of Weapon