1855 Ill. Laws, 25, An Act To Incorporate the Town of Daville, § 16.


[The town council shall have the power] To regulate the storage of tar, pitch, rosin, gun-powder and other combustible materials.


1869 Ill. Laws 17, § 10.


[The Town council shall have power and authority] to regulate the storage of gunpowder and other combustible materials.


Revised Ordinances of the City of Galesburg, the Charter and Amendments, State Laws Relating to the Government of Cities and Appendix Page 122-123, Image 127-128 (1869) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Revised Ordinances [of Galesburg, Ill.], Gunpowder-Fires, Fire-Arms, § 1. The keeping for sale or selling gunpowder, without a license therefor, is prohibited, and no license shall be issued allowing the keeping in store more than twenty-five pounds of gun powder at any one time, unless kept in some secure magazine or fire-proof powder house, located at least one hundred feet from any other occupied building, and when kept in a store or place for retail it shall be kept in tin or other metallic canisters or cases, and in a part of the building remote from any fire, lamp, candle …