George Manierre, The Revised Charter and Ordinances of the City of Chicago: To Which are Added the Constitutions of the United States and State of Illinois Page 123-125, Image 131-133 (1851) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Ordinances of the City of Chicago: Regulating the Keeping and Conveying Gun Powder and Gun Cotton; § I. (Be it ordained by the Common Council of the city of Chicago) That no person shall keep, sell, or give away gun powder or gun cotton in any quantity without permission of the common council or mayor in writing, signed by the mayor and clerk and sealed with the corporate seal, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars for every offence. § II. All applications for permits shall be addressed to the common council or mayor in writing, signed by the applicant. Not …
Manufacturing, Inspection and Sale of Gunpowder and Firearms


Egbert Jamieson, The Municipal Code of Chicago: Comprising the Laws of Illinois Relating to the City of Chicago, and the Ordinances of the City Council; Codified and Revised Page 301-304, Image 309-312 (1881) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Ordinances of Chicago, § 1264. No person shall keep, sell or give away any gunpowder or gun-cotton in any quantity, without permission in writing, signed by the mayor and city clerk, and sealed with the corporate seal, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars for every offense: Provided, any person may keep for his own use a quantity of gunpowder or guncotton not exceeding one pound. . . § 1271. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to carry or convey any gunpowder or guncotton (exceeding fifty pounds in quantity) through any street, alley, highway or road in the …
Manufacturing, Inspection and Sale of Gunpowder and Firearms