1883 Wis. Sess. Laws 841. vol. 2, An Act to Revise, Consolidate and Amend the Charter of the City of Neenah, Approved March 14, 1873, and the Several Acts Amendatory Thereof, ch. 184, tit. 12, § 162.


Any person who shall be found in or upon any street, alley or public ground within said city, or within any saloon, shop, store, grocery, hall, church, school house, barn, building or other place within said city . . . shall use toward or in the presence of another, violent or insulting language or be guilty of any breach of the peace, or firing of any gun or pistol, or fighting or threatening to fight, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by fine not exceeding twenty-five ($25) dollars and costs of prosecution, …
Sensitive Places and Times


Charter and Ordinances of the City of La Crosse, with the Rules of the Common Council Page 202, Image 205 (1888) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


An Ordinance in Relation to the Discharge of Firearms and firecrackers and to the use and exhibition of fireworks, § 1. No person shall fire or discharge any cannon, gun, fowling piece, pistol or firearms of any description, or fire, explode or set off any squib, cracker or other thing containing powder or other combustible or explosive material, or set off or exhibit any fireworks within the limits of the city of La Crosse, without having first obtained written permission from the mayor, which permission shall limit the time and fix the place of such firing, and shall be subject …
Sensitive Places and Times


Charter and Ordinances of the City of La Crosse, with the Rules of the Common Council. Page 177, Image 180 (La Crosse, 1888) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Ordinances of the City of La Crosse, An Ordinance to Provide for the Government and Good Order of the City of La Crosse, for the suppression of vice and immorality, and the prevention of Crime. City Ordinances. § 19. It shall be unlawful for any person to use firearms or to shoot off a gun or pistol or to hunt game or birds within the limits of any cemetery in the city of La Crosse; or to rob or disturb birds’ nests therein, or to enter any cemetery except by the gate, and then only at such times as the …
Sensitive Places and Times