Josiah Gould A Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas All Laws of a General and Permanent Character in Force the Close of the Session of the General Assebly of 380 381–82.


Every person who shall wear any pistol, dirk, butcher or large knife, or a sword in a cane, concealed as a weapon, unless upon a journey, shall be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor.
Carrying Weapons


Revised Statutes of the State of Arkansas, Adopted at the October Session of the General Assembly of Said State, A.D. 1837, in the Year of Our Independence the Sixty second, and of the State of Second Year Page 280, Image 295 (1838) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Every person who shall wear any pistol, dirk, butcher or large knife, or a sword in a cane, concealed as a weapon, unless upon a journey, shall be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, in the county in which the said offence shall have been committed, shall be fined in any sum not less than twentyfive dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, one half to be paid into the county treasury, the other half to the informer, and shall also be imprisoned not less than one, nor more than six months.
Carrying Weapons


1881 Ark. Acts 191, An Act to Preserve the Public Peace and Prevent Crime, chap. XCVI (96), § 1.


That any person who shall wear or carry, in any manner whatever, as a weapon, any dirk or bowie knife, or a sword, or a spear in a cane, brass or metal knucks, razor, or any pistol of any kind whatever, except such pistols as are used in the army or navy of the United States, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Carrying Weapons


John H. Cherry, Digest of the Laws and Ordinances of the City of Little Rock, with the Constitution of the State of Arkansas; General Incorporation Laws; and All Acts of the General Assembly Relating to the City; in Force March 10, 1882 Page 168, Image 353 (1882) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Ordinances of the City of Little Rock, § 399. It shall not be lawful for any person to wear under his clothes, or concealed about his person, any pistol or colt, or slung-shot, or cross-knuckles, or knuckles of lead, brass or other metal; or bowie-knife, dirk-knife, or dirk or dagger, or any knife resembling a bowie-knife, or any other dangerous or deadly weapon, within the city of Little Rock; and whoever shall violate this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars, and double …
Carrying Weapons