1828 Fla. Laws 75, An Act Relating To Crimes and Misdemeanors, § 106.


. . . [I]f any person shall hunt by fire light in the night time, with a gun or other firearms beyond his own enclosure, such person shall on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty five dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding one month, at the discretion of the court.


1852 Fla. Laws 137, An Act To Prevent Fire Hunting in the County of St. Johns, ch. 558, § 1.


. . . [I]t shall not be lawful for any person or persons to hunt with a gun or other fire arms, by fire light in the night time at any place within the County of St. Johns in this State, except within his own enclosure such person shall on conviction be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding one month at the discretion of the Court.


1865 Fla. Laws 27, An Act Prescribing Additional Penalities For the Commission of Offenses Against the State, and for Other Purposes, Chap. 1466, § 19.


. . . [I]t shall not be lawful for any person to hunt or range with a gun within the enclosed land or premises of another without the permission of the owner, tenant, or person having control thereof; and any person so offending shall be deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be punished as is provided in the last forgoing section.