Leslie A. Thompson, A Manual or Digest of the Statute Law of the State of Florida, of a General and Public Character, in Force at the End of the Second Session of the General Assembly of the State, on the Sixth Day of January, 1847 Page 547, Image 582 (1847) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


For the Prevention of Indians Roaming at Large Throughout the State, § 1. From and after the passage of this act, if any male Indian of the years of discretion, venture to roam or ramble beyond the boundary lines of the reservations, which have been assigned to the tribe or nation to which said Indian belongs, it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons to apprehend, seize, and take said Indian, and carry him before some Justice of the Peace, who is hereby authorized, empowered, and required, to direct (if said Indian have not a written permission …
Felons, Foreigners and Others Deemed Dangerous By the State


1885 Fla. Laws 62, An Act to Provide a Punishment for Carrying Concealed Weapons and for the Trial of such Offense . . ., chap. 3620, § 3.


It shall be the duty of the Sheriff or other officer making any arrest under this act to take possesion of any arms found upon the person arrested under this act and retain the same until after the trial of such person, and if he be convicted, then the said arm or arms shall be forfeited . . . .
Felons, Foreigners and Others Deemed Dangerous By the State