Laws of the State of Maine; to Which are Prefixed the Constitution of the U. States and of Said State, in Two Volumes, with an Appendix Page 112-113, Image 183-184 (Vol. 1, 1821) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


An Act for the prevention of damage by Fire, and the safe keeping of Gun Powder. § 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That the Selectmen of each town within this State, containing not less than fifteen hundred inhabitants, be, and they hereby, are authorized and empowered to make rules and regulations, from time to time, in conformity with which, all gun powder which is or may be within such town, shall be kept, had or possessed therein; and no person or persons shall have, keep, or possess within such town, any …


1821 Me. Laws 98-99, An Act for the Prevention of Damage by Fire, and the Safe Keeping of Gun Powder, ch. 25, § 5


Be it further enacted, That it shall, and may be lawful for any one or more of the Selectmen of any town to enter any building, or other place, in such town, to search for gun powder, which they may have reason to suppose to be concealed or kept, contrary to the rules and regulations which shall be established in such town, according to the provisions of this Act, first having obtained a search warrant therefor according to law.


The Revised Ordinances of the City of Portland, 1848 Page 22, Image 22 (1848) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


[Ordinances of the City of Portland,] Of Gunpowder, § 1. No person not licensed to keep and sell gunpowder shall keep or have in his shop, store, dwelling house or other tenement, at any one time, a larger quantity of gunpowder than one pound. § 2. No person licensed to keep and sell gunpowder shall have or keep in his store, shop, dwelling house or in any other tenement or place whatever at any one time, a larger quantity of gunpowder then twenty-five pounds. § 3. Every person licensed to keep and sell gunpowder shall provide himself with a strongly …


The Charter, Amendments, and Acts of the Legislature Relating to the Municipal Court, and the Ordinances of the City of Lewiston, Together with the Boundaries of the Several Wards, Regulations Respecting Gunpowder, and an Abstract of the Laws Relating to the Powers and Duties of Cities and Towns Page 43, Image 43 (1873) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Regulations Relating to Gunpowder, § 1. No person shall keep or have in any shop, store, dwelling house or tenement, in the city of Lewiston, at any one time a larger quantity of gun-powder than one pound, unless he is licensed by the mayor and aldermen to keep and sell gunpowder, or except as hereinafter provided. § 2. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to sell any gunpowder which may at the time be within said city, in any quantity, by wholesale or retail, without having first obtained from the mayor and aldermen a license to …


A.G. Davis, City Clerk, Charter and Ordinances, and Rules and Orders of the City Council. Revised February 1874 Page 52, Image 53 (1874) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


City Ordinances, § 4. No person shall haul unto, or lay at any wharf in the city, any vessel having on board more than twenty-five pounds of gun-powder, nor discharge or receive on board exceeding that quantity, without having first obtained from the Mayor a permit therefor, designating the wharf at which said powder may be landed or received on board.