Laws of the State of Maine; to Which are Prefixed the Constitution of the U. States and of Said State, in Two Volumes, with an Appendix Page 55, Image 126 (Vol. 1, 1821) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Murder, &c. § 7. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall voluntarily engage in a duel, with rapier, a small sword, back sword, pistol, or other dangerous weapon, to the hazard of life, when no homicide shall ensue thereon; and if any person shall, by word, message, or in any other manner, challenge another to fight in a duel, as aforesaid, when no duel shall be fought thereon, every such offender, and every person who shall be knowingly a second, agent or abettor in such duel or challenge, upon due conviction of either of said offences in the …