1840 Mo. Laws 193-94, An Act To Incorporate The Rural Cemetery Association, § 7.


Any person who shall willfully . . . shoot or discharge any gun or other fire arms within the said limits, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace, or any other court of competent jurisdiction within the county of St. Louis, be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, according to the nature and aggravation of the offence[.]
Sensitive Places and Times


1879 Mo. Laws 90, An Act To Prohibit The Discharge Of Firearms In The Immediate Vicinity Of Any Courthouse, Church Or Building Used For School Or College Purposes, § 1.


Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person in this State, except he be a sheriff or other officer, in the discharge of official duty to discharge or fire off any gun, pistol or fire-arms of any description in the immediate vicinity of any court house, church or building used for school or college purposes.
Sensitive Places and Times


1883 Mo. Laws 76, An Act To Amend Section 1274, Article 2, Chapter 24 Of The Revised Statutes Of Missouri, Entitled “Of Crimes And Criminal Procedure,” § 1.


If any person shall carry concealed, upon or about his person, any deadly or dangerous weapon, or shall go into any church or place where people have assembled for religious worship, or into any school room or place where people are assembled for educational, literary or social purposes, or to any election precinct on any election day, or into any court room during the sitting of court, or into any other public assemblage of persons met for any lawful purpose other than for militia drill or meetings called under the militia law of this state, having upon or about his …
Carrying Weapons Sensitive Places and Times Possession by, Use of, and Sales to Minors and Others Deemed Irresponsible