1822 Mo. Laws 41-42, An Act To Incorporate Inhabitants Of The Town Of St. Louis, § 12.


The Mayor and Board of Aldermen, shall have power by ordinance, to . . . regulate . . . the storage of gun powder, tar, pitch, rosin, hemp, cotton and other combustible materials[.]


The Acts of Assembly Incorporating the City of St. Louis, and the Ordinances of the City, Which are Now in Force Page 35, Image 35 (1828) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


[Ordinances of the City of St. Louis,] An Ordinance Containing Regulations as to Gun Powder, § 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and board of Aldermen of the city of St. Louis, That no store or shopkeeper, or other person or persons, shall keep, at the same time, in any house, shop, store, cellar or warehouse, or in any boat, more than thirty pounds of gunpowder, within the limits of the City. § 2. And be it further ordained, That the aforesaid quantity of powder allowed to be kept within the limits of the city, shall be kept in …


1873 Mo. Laws 215, An Act To Amend The Charter Of The Town Of Canton . . . , § 10.


The Board of Trustees shall have power and authority to . . . regulate the storage of gunpowder, tar pitch, rosin and other combustible materials[.]


J.H. Johnston, The Revised Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boonville, Mo. Revised and Collated, A.D. 1881 Page 44, Image 44 (1881) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Ordinances of the City of Boonville, General Powers of the Mayor and Board of Councilmen, § 13. To regulate the storage of gun powder and other combustible materials; and generally provide for the prevention of fires within the city.


M.J. Sullivan, The Revised Ordinance of the City of St. Louis, 1887. To Which are Prefixed the Constitution of the United States, Constitution of the State of Missouri, a Digest of Acts of the General Assembly Relating to the City, the Scheme for the Separation of the Governments of the City and County of St. Louis and the Charter of the City Page 689-690, Image 698-699 (1887) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Revised Ordinances [of the City of St. Louis], Gunpowder, § 688. Not exceeding five pounds of gunpowder shall be allowed to be kept by any person or persons in any store, dwelling, building, or other place within the city, except that retailers or venders of gunpowder in small quantities may for that purpose keep any quantity not exceeding thirty pounds; provided, that the same shall also be kept in tin or metal canisters or stone jars, with good and closely fitted and well secured covers thereon; provided, also, that those parties now having magazines within the limits of the city …