Henry S. Geyer, A Digest of the Laws of Missouri Territory. Comprising: An Elucidation of the Title of the United States to Louisiana:-Constitution of the United States:-Treaty of Session:-Organic Laws:-Laws of Missouri Territory, (Alphabetically Arranged):-Spanish Regulations for the Allotment of Lands:- Laws of the United States, for Adjusting Titles to Lands, &c. to Which are Added, a Variety of Forms, Useful to Magistrates Page 374, Image 386 (1818) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Slaves, § 3. No slave or mulatto whatsoever, shall keep or carry a gun, powder, shot, club or other weapon whatsoever, offensive or defensive; but all and every gun weapon and ammunition found in the possession or custody of any negro or mulatto, may be seized by any person and upon due proof made before any justice of the peace of the district [county] where such seizure shall be, shall by his order be forfeited to the seizor, for his own use, and moreover, every such offender shall have and receive by order of such justice any number of lashes …
Race and Slavery Based


1854 Mo. Laws 1094, An Act Concerning Free Negros and Mulattoes, ch. 114, §§ 2-3.


§ 2. No free negro or mulatto shall be suffered to keep or carry any firelock, or weapon of any kind, or any ammunition, without license first had and obtained for the purpose, from a justice of the peace of the county in which such free negro or mulatto resides, and such license may be revoked at any time by the justice granting the same or by any justice of the county. § 3. Any gun, firelock, or weapon of any kind, or any ammunition, found in the possession of any free negro or mulatto not having a license, as …
Race and Slavery Based