John M. Lea, The Revised Laws of the City of Nashville, with the Various Acts of Incorporation and Laws Applicable to the Town and City of Nashville, and a List of the Different Boards of Mayor and Aldermen, and Other Officers of Said City from the Year 1806 to 1850, Inclusive Page 49, Image 50 (1850) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


[An Act to Reduce the Several Acts Incorporating the Town of Nashville in one act, and to Amend the Same, § 6. The Mayor and Aldermen shall have power, by ordinance within the city – ]25th. To regulate the storage of gun-powder, tar, pitch, rosin, salt-petre, gun-cotton, and all other combustible material, and the use of lights, candles and stove-pipes in all stables, shops, and other places.


1855-1856 Tenn. Pub. Acts 34, An Act to Amend and Reduce into One, the Acts Relating to the Charter of the Town of Clarkeville, ch. 32, § 2, pt. 20.


To provide for the prevention and extinguishment of fires; to organize, establish and equip fire companies, hose companies, and hook and ladder companies; to regulate, restrain or prohibit the erection of wooden or combustible buildings in any part of the city; to regulate and to prevent the carrying on of manufactories dangerous in causing or producing fires; to regulate the storage of gun powder, tar, pitch, rosin, saltpetre [sic], gun cotton and all other combustible or explosive material[.]