1837-1838 Tenn. Pub. Acts 201, An Act to Suppress the Sale and Use of Bowie Knives and Arkansas Tooth Picks in the State, ch. 137, § 4.


That if any person carrying any knife or weapon known as a Bowie knife, Arkansas tooth pick, or any knife or weapon that shall in form, shape or size resemble a Bowie knife, on a sudden rencounter [sic], shall cut or stab another person with such knife or weapon, whether death ensues or not, such person so stabbing or cutting shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof shall be confined in the jail and penitentiary house of this state, for a period of time not less than three years, nor more than fifteen years.
Sentence Enhancement for Use of Weapon


Seymour Dwight Thompson, A Compilation of the Statute Laws of the State of Tennessee, of a General and Permanent Nature, Compiled on the Basis of the Code of Tennessee, With Notes and References, Including Acts of Session of 1870-’71 Page 52, Image 721 (Vol. 2, 1873) available at the The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Of Offences Against the Person, [Assault and Battery and Attempt to Commit Crime,] § 4628. If any person assaults and beats another with a cowhide, stick, or whip, having a the time in his possession a pistol or other deadly weapon, with intent to intimidate the person assaulted, and prevent him from defending himself, he shall, on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than two nor more than ten years.
Sentence Enhancement for Use of Weapon