William H. Bridges, Digest of the Charters and Ordinances of the City of Memphis, Together with the Acts of the Legislature Relating to the City, with an Appendix Page 148-149, Image 149-150 (1863) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


[Ordinances of the City of Memphis, Shooting Galleries, § 1. That no person or persons shall set up or use any pistol gallery, or place for the discharging of pistols, guns or other firearms in the first story of any building in the city; nor shall any gallery be used in any manner involving risk or danger to any person in the city; nor shall any person setting up or using such pistol gallery be exempt from the ordinance and penalties now in force, for discharging or shooting any pistol, gun or firearms within the city limits, until such person …
Registration and Taxation