1817-18 Miss. Laws 220, Supplemental To An Act To Erect The Town Of Netchez Into A City To Incorporate The Same, § 2.


That said president and select men, shall and may, from time to time, pass ordinances to regulate the keeping, carting and transporting gun powder or other combustible or dangerous materials[.]


George Poindexter, The Revised Code of the Laws of Mississippi: In Which are Comprised All Such Acts of the General Assembly, of a Public Nature, as were in Force at the End of the Year 1823: with a General Index Page 608, Image 612 (1824) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Summary of Private and Local Acts[, Port Gibson] . . . . Said president and selectmen may pass ordinances to regulate the keeping, carting and transporting gunpowder, or other combustible or dangerous materials, and, the use of lights in stables, to remove or prevent the construction of any fireplace, hearth or chimney, stoves, ovens, boilers, kettles or apparatus used in any house, building, manufactory or business which may be dangerous in causing or promoting fires; to appoint one or more officers, at reasonable times, to enter into and examine all dwelling houses, lots, yards and buildings, in order to discover …


1884 Miss. Laws 412, An Act To Amend And Reduce One Act The Act Incorporating The City Of Columbus And The Several Acts Amendatory Thereto, ch. 390, § 24, pt. 16.


To regulate and prevent the storage of cotton, hay, gun powder, oil or any other combustible, explosive or inflammable [sic] material or substance; or of any material or substance offensive to public comfort or injurious to health.