1762 R.I. Pub. Laws 132, An Act of June 1762.

Rhode Island

And be it further Enacted by the Authority Aforesaid, That every person who shall import gunpowder into the town of Newport aforesaid shall cause the same to be conveyed immediately to the powder house at the North Easterly part of town, before the vessel in which the said Powder shall be imported, be brought to any Wharf; upon the penalty of paying into the Town-Treasury of the said Town of Newport, a Fine of Ten Shillings Lawful Money, for every cask which shall not be conveyed to the Powder House as aforesaid. That every other person who shall have Gun-powder …


1798-1813 R.I. Pub. Laws 85, An Act Relative To The Keeping Gun-Powder In The Town Of Providence, §2

Rhode Island

§ 1. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, and by the authority thereof it is hereby enacted, That no person or persons shall hereafter keep or deposit gunpowder, in a greater quantity than twenty-eight pounds, in any shop, building or other place, in the town of Providence, except such place or places as the Town Council of said town shall allow and designate for that purpose. § 2. And be it further enacted, That all and every person and persons whomsoever, who shall hereafter keep or depsoit gunpowder, in a greater quantity than twenty eight pounds, in any …