1866 An Act To Prevent Shooting On The Sabbath In This Commonwealth, ch. 656, § 1.


That No person shall, within this Commonwealth, on the Sabbath day, enter or go upon the land of another person to catch, shoot, or kill any birds, fowl, or animal of any kind; and any such person having in his possession a gun at the time, or after he enters upon the premises of another as aforesaid, shall, upon proof, be guilty of a violation of this act, and, upon conviction thereof, by proceedings before any justice of the peace, in any county of the State . . . .
Sensitive Places and Times


The General Statutes of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. To Which are Prefixed Magna Charta, the Constitution of the United States, the Constitutions of Kentucky, and the Other Documents Ordered by Law Page 345, Image 357 (1873) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Crimes and Punishments. § 11. If any person shall hunt game with a gun or dogs on the Sabbath, he shall be fined not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each offense.
Sensitive Places and Times


Edward Innes Bullock, Commissioner, The General Statutes of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. To Which are Prefixed Magna Charta, the Constitution of the United States, the Constitutions of Kentucky, and the Other Documents Ordered by Law Page 669, Image 681 (1873) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Fines and Penalties. § 3. A soldier who unnecessarily, or without order from a superior officer, comes to any parade with his musket, rifle, or pistol loaded with ball, slug, or shot, or shall so load the same while on duty, or unnecessarily, or without order from a superior officer, discharges the same when going to, returning from, or upon parade, shall forfeit not less than one nor more than five dollars.
Sensitive Places and Times