A Digest of the Statute Laws of Kentucky, of a Public and Permanent Nature, from the Commencement of the Government to the Session of the Legislature, Ending on the 24th February, 1834 With References to Judicial Decisions Page 578-579, Image 584-585 (Vol. 1, 1834) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


An Act more effectually to suppress the practice of Gambling and Dueling. § 6. And be it further enacted, That if any person within this Commonwealth, shall challenge, by word or writing, the person of another to fight at sword, pistol, or other deadly weapon, such person, (a) so challenging, shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, being thereof lawfully convicted, in any court of record within the Commonwealth, by the testimony of one or more witnesses, or by the confession of the party offending, the sum of five hundred dollars, or shall suffer twelve months’ imprisonment, without bail …