Joseph Rockwell Swan. Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the State of Ohio, Embracing All Laws of a General Nature, Passed since the Publication of Swan & Critchfield’s Revised Statutes, 1860. In Force August 1, 1868. With Notes of the Decisions of the Supreme Court Page 13, Image 21 (1868) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


An Act for the Protection of Certain Birds and Game. (25.) § III. And it shall also be unlawful for any person at any time after the passage of this act, by the aid or use of any swivel, punt gun, big gun (so called), or any gun other than the common shoulder gun or by the aid or use of any punt boat, or sneak boat used for carrying such gun to catch, kill, wound, or destroy, or to pursue after, with intent to catch, kill, wound or destroy, upon any of the waters, bays, rivers, marshes, mud flats, …


John Riner Sayler, The Statutes of the State of Ohio: In Continuation of Curwen’s Statutes at Large and Swan & Critchfield’s Revised Statutes, Arranged in Chronological Order, Showing the Acts in Force, Repealed, Obsolete or Superseded with References to the Judicial Decisions Construing the Statutes and a Complete Analytical Index Page 3331, Image 521 (Vol. 4, 1876) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


An Act to Protect Certain Birds and Game, and to Protect Land Owners and Punish Trespassing Upon Improved or Enclosed Land, and to Repeal Certain Statutes Therein Designated. § 2. . . And it shall be unlawful for any person, by the aid or use of any swivel or punt gun, or any other than the common shoulder gun, or by the aid or use of any push boat or sneak boat, used for carrying such gun, to catch, kill or wound, or destroy or to pursue after, with such intent, upon any of the waters, bays, rivers, marshes, mud …


1874 Ohio Laws 148, Reg. Sess vol. 71, An Act to Protect Certain Birds and Game, and to Protect Land Owners and Punish Trespassing upon Improved or Enclosed Land, and to Repeal Certain Statutes Therein Designated, § 2.


And it shall be unlawful for any person, by the aid or use of any swivel or punt gun, or any other than the common shoulder gun, or by the aid or use of any push boat or sneak boat, used for carrying such gun, to catch, kill or wound, or destroy or to pursue after, with such intent upon the waters, bays, rivers, marshes, mud flats, or any cover to which wild fowl resort, within the state of Ohio, any wild goose, wild duck, or brant.