1776 Del. Const, art. 28.


To prevent any violence or force being used at the said elections, no person shall come armed to any of them, and no muster of the militia shall be made on that day; nor shall any battalion or company give in their votes immediately succeeding each other, if any other voter, who offers to vote, objects thereto; nor shall any battalion or company, in the pay of the continent, or of this or any other State, be suffered to remain at the time and place of holding the said elections, nor within one mile of the said places respectively, for …
Sensitive Places and Times


1812 Del. Laws 329, An Act to Prevent the Discharging of Fire-Arms Within the Towns and Villages, and Other Public Places Within this State, and for Other Purposes. §1


If any person or persons shall presume to fire or discharge any gun, ordinance, musket, fowling piece, fuse or pistol within any of the towns or villages of this State or within the limits thereof, or where the limits cannot be ascertained, within one quarter of a mile of the centre of such town or village shall fire or discharge any gun ordnance, musket, fowling piece, fusee or pistol within or on any of the greens, streets, alleys or lanes of any of the towns and villages within this State, whereon any buildings are or shall be created or within …
Sensitive Places and Times