1841 Del. Laws 198, A Supplement to the Act Entitled “An Act for Establishing the Boundaries of the Town of Dover, and for Other Purposes Therein Mentioned, § 2.


And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said commissioners, justices and constable to suppress, extinguish and prevent all bonfires from being lighted or kept up on the public square of the said town: and to suppress and prevent the firing of guns, crackers or squibs, by boys or others, within the limits of the said town.


1852 Del. Laws 216, § 27.


to regulate the storage of gunpowder, or any other dangerously combustible matter.


1865 Del. Laws 930, An Act to Prevent the Loading of Gunpowder Within Certain Distances of Railroads, chap. 554, § 1.


That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to load gunpowder of any kind into cars on any railroad in this State, within one hundred yards of the bed of the regular track used in carrying passengers, and upon conviction of any person engaged in participating in any way in loading or putting gunpowder of any kind into cars standing within one hundred standing within one hundred yards of the regular bed of the railroad engaged in carrying passengers in this State, he shall forfeit and pay to the State a fine of one thousand dollars and be …


W.B. Hvland, Wilmington City Code. The Ordinances of the City of Wilmington, Delaware. Also, the Original Borough Charter, the Charter of the City of Wilmington, and the Acts of the Legislature, Now in Force Relating to the City Page 689, Image 689 (1885) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


[Wilmington] City Ordinances, § 2. For the purpose of supplying retailers of gunpowder within the City of Wilmington, it shall and may be lawful to introduce the same in kegs, containing not more than twenty-five pounds each, carefully enclosed in good bags, or by putting a sheet of canvas under and around the said kegs, sufficient to prevent the gunpowder from scattering from the said carriage, wagon or other vehicle in which it is conveyed, and no one carriage or other vehicle shall contain, at any one time, more than ten of the above described kegs of gunpowder, and if …