1812 Del. Law 526, c. 195, An Act to Prevent the Discharging of Fire-Arms within the Towns and villages, and other public places within this State, and for Other Purposes.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware, in General Assembly met, That from and after the first day of June next, if any person or persons shall presume to fire or discharge any gun, ordinance, musket, fowling-piece, fusee or pistol, within any of the towns or villages of this State, or within the limits thereof; or where the limits cannot be ascertained, within one quarter of a mile of the center of such town or village, shall fire or discharge any gun, ordinance, musket, fowling piece, fusee or pistol, within or on …
Firing Weapons


1812 Del. Laws 522, An Act To Prevent The Discharging Of Fire Arms Within The Towns And Villages, And Other Public Places Within This State, And For Other Purposes, § 1.


That from and after the first day of June next, if any person or persons shall presume to fire or discharge any gun, ordinance, musket, fowling-piece, fusee or pistol, within any of the towns or villages of this State, or within the limits thereof, or where the limits cannot be ascertained, within one quarter of a mile of the centre of such town or village, shall fire or discharge any gun, ordinance, musket, fowling piece, fusee or pistol, within or on any of the greens, streets, alleys or lanes of any of the towns and villages within this State, whereon …
Firing Weapons


1837 Del. Laws 166, An Act To Prevent the Discharge Of Fire-arms In the Village of Camden, Kent County, And For Other Purposes Therein Mentioned, ch. 123, § 1.


. . . if any person or persons shall presume to fire or discharge any gun, ordnance, musket, fowling-piece, fuse or pistol . . . within or on any of the streets, alleys or lanes of the said village of Camden, whereon any buildings are or may be erected, shall be fined or punished as hereinafter mentioned.
Firing Weapons


1845 Del. Laws 10, A Supplement To The Act Entitled “An Act To Survey, Lay Out And Regulate the Streets Of Smyrna and for Other Purposes,” ch. 12, § 2.


That it shall be the duty of the said commissioners, justice of the peace and constable to suppress, extinguish and prevent all bonfires from being lighted or kept up in any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the said town, and to suppress and prevent the firing of guns, pistols crackers or squibs, or the making or throwing of fire-balls by boys or others within the limits of said town.
Firing Weapons


1852 Del. Laws 664, An Act To Incorporate the Town of Camden and for Other Purposes, ch. 652, § 3.


Immediately upon the election of the aforesaid commissioners, they and their successors in office . . . shall, in addition to the powers hereinbefore conferred, have power to . . . to prohibit the firing of guns or pistols.
Firing Weapons


1871 Del. Law 138, § 17.


. . . it shall be the duty of the said commissioners, bailiff or justice of the peace, to suppress, extinguish and prevent all bonfires in the town, or in any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the said town, and to suppress or prevent the firing of guns, pistols or the letting off of fireworks . . . .
Firing Weapons


Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware, of Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-two, as They Have since been Amended, Together with the Additional Laws of a Public and General Nature, Which Have been Enacted since the Publication of the Revised Code of Eighteen Fifty-Two, to the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Four; to Which are Added, the Constitution of the United States and of This State, the Declaration of Independence, and Appendix Page 249, Image 313 (1874) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Laws of Delaware, Town Regulations, § 5. If any person shall discharge a gun, or pistol, within any town, or village, in this State, or within one quarter a mile of the center thereof, or within one hundred yards of a mill-dam, upon which is a public road, he shall forfeit and pay, for the use of the poor of the county, five dollars for each offence; and upon judgment for such forfeiture, the defendant shall be committed to the public jail of the county until it is paid. But this section shall not apply to the discharging a gun, …
Firing Weapons