1797 Del. Laws 104, An Act For the Trial Of Negroes, ch. 43, §6.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any Negro or Mulatto slave shall presume to carry any guns, swords, pistols, fowling pieces, clubs, or other arms and weapons whatsoever, without his master’s special license for the same, and be convicted thereof before a magistrate, he shall be whipped with twenty-one lashes, upon his bare back.
Race and Slavery Based


1827 Del. Laws 153, An Act Concerning Crimes And Offenses Committed By Slaves, And For, The Security Of Slaves Properly Demeaning Themselves, ch. 6, § 8.


That is any negro or mulatto slave shall join, or be willingly present at any riot, rout or unlawful assembly, or shall commit an assault and battery upon any white person, or shall without special permission of his or her master or mistress, presume to carry any gun, pistol, sword, dirk, or other unusual or dangerous weapon or arms; every negro or mulatto slave so offending, and being thereof convicted before any Justice of the Peace for the county, in which the offence shall be committed, shall be whipped with not less than ten nor more than forty lashes, publically …
Race and Slavery Based


1832 Del. Laws 208, A Supplement to an Act to Prevent the Use of Firearms by Free Negroes and Free Mulattoes, and for Other Purposes, chap. 176, § 1.


. . . it shall not be lawful for free negroes and free mulattoes to have, own, keep or possess any gun, pistol, sword or any warlike instruments whatsoever: Provided however, that if upon application of any such free negro or free mulatto to one of the justices of the peace of the county in which such free negro or free mulatto resides, it shall satisfactorily appear upon the written certificate of five or more respectable and judicious citizens of the neighborhood, that such free negro or free mulatto is a person of fair character, and that the circumstances of …
Race and Slavery Based


1841 Del. Laws 430, An Act Concerning Fees, ch. 368, § 1.


Justices of the Peace shall receive . . . For licenses to negroes to keep a gun, twenty five cents.
Race and Slavery Based


9 Del. Laws 552 (1843), A Further Supplement To An Act Entitled “An Act To Prevent The Use Of Fire-arms By Free Negroes And Free Mulattoes And For Other Purposes, § 1


That the proviso in the first section of the act to which this is a further supplement, and all and every the provisions of the said act, or any other supplemental act thereto, which authorizes the issuing, by a justice of the peace, of a license or permit to a free negro or free mulatto to have, use and keep in his possession, a gun or fowling piece, be and the same are hereby repealed, made null and void.
Race and Slavery Based


1863 Del. Laws 332, An Act in Relation to Free Negroes and Mulattoes, ch. 305, § 7.


. . . That free negroes and free mulattoes are prohibited from owning or having in their possession, a gun, pistol, sword or any other warlike instrument, and any free negro or free mulatto offending against the provisions of this Section shall be fined ten dollars by any Justice of the Peace before whom complaint shall be made, and upon failure to pay the fine and cost he or she shall be committed to prison, and after the expiration of twenty days, if the fine and cost shall not be paid, he or she shall be sold to pay the …
Race and Slavery Based