A Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia. From Its First Establishment as a British Province down to the Year 1798, Inclusive, and the Principal Acts of 1799: In Which is Comprehended the Declaration of Independence; the State Constitutions of 1777 and 1789, with the Alterations and Amendments in 1794. Also the Constitution of 1798 Page 153-154, Image 160-161 (1800) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Laws of Georgia, An Act to amend and Continue “An Act for the Establishing and Regulating Patrols, and for Preventing any Person from Purchasing Provisions or any Other Commodities from, or Selling Such to any Slave, Unless Such Slave Shall Produce a Ticket from His or Her Owner, Manager or Employer . . . Be it enacted, That immediately from and after passing of this act, it shall not be lawful for any slave, unless in the presence of some white person, to carry or make use of fire arms, or any offensive weapon whatsoever, unless such slave shall have …
Race and Slavery Based


1860 Ga. Laws 56, An Act to add an additional Section to the 13th Division of the Penal Code, making it Penal to Sell to or Furnish Slaves or Free Persons of Color, with Weapons of Offence and Defence; and for other Purposes therein mentioned, § 1.


. . . any person other than the owner, who shall sell or furnish to any slave or free person of color, any gun, pistol, bowie knife, slung shot, sword cane, or other weapon used for the purpose of offence or defence, shall, on indictment and conviction, be fined by the Court in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisoned in the common Jail of the county not exceeding six months . . . .
Race and Slavery Based