1872 Md. Laws 57, An Act To Add An Additional Section To Article Two Of The Code Of Public Local Laws, Entitled “Anne Arundel County,” Sub-title “Annapolis,” To Prevent The Carrying Of concealed Weapons In Said City, § 246


It shall not be lawful for any person to carry concealed, in Annapolis, whether a resident thereof or not, any pistol, dirk-knife, bowie-knife, sling-shot, billy, razor, brass, iron or other metal knuckles, or any other deadly weapon, under a penalty of a fine of not less than three, nor more than ten dollars in each case, in the discretion of the Justice of the Peace, before whom the same may be tried, to be collected. . .
Carrying Weapons


John Prentiss Poe, The Maryland Code. Public Local Laws, Adopted by the General Assembly of Maryland March 14, 1888. Including also the Acts of the Session of 1888 Incorporated Therein, and Prefaced with the Constitution of the State Page 468-469, Image 568-569 (Vol. 1, 1888) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Concealed Weapons, § 30. Every person, not being a conservator of the peace entitled or required to carry such weapon as a part of his official equipment, who shall wear or carry any pistol, dirk-knife, bowie- knife, slung-shot, billy, sand-club, metal knuckles, razor, or any other dangerous or deadly weapon of any kind whatsoever, (penknives excepted,) concealed upon or about his person; and every person who shall carry or wear any such weapon openly, with the intent or purpose of injuring any person, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not more …
Carrying Weapons


John Prentiss Poe, The Baltimore City Code, Containing the Public Local Laws of Maryland Relating to the City of Baltimore, and the Ordinances of the Mayor and City Council, in Force on the First Day of November, 1891, with a Supplement, Containing the Public Local Laws Relating to the City of Baltimore, Passed at the Session of 1892 of the General Assembly, and also the Ordinances of the Mayor and City Council, Passed at the Session of 1891-1892, and of 1892-1893, up to the Summer Recess of 1893 Page 297-298, Image 306-307 (1893) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Ordinances of Baltimore, § 742A. Every person in said city of Baltimore not being a conservator of the peace, entitled or required to carry such weapons as a part of his official equipment, who shall wear or carry any pistol, dirk-knife, bowie-knife, sling-shot, billy, sand-club, metal knuckles, razor or any other dangerous or deadly weapon of any kind whatsoever, (pen knives excepted.) concealed upon or about his person; and every person who shall carry or wear such weapons openly, with the intent or purpose of injuring any person, shall, upon a conviction thereof, be fined not more than five hundred …
Carrying Weapons