1715 Md. Laws 90, An Act for the speedy trial of criminals, and ascertaining their punishment in the county courts when prosecuted there, and for payment of fees due from criminal persons, chap. 26, § 7


And, to prevent the abusing, hurting or worrying of any stock of hogs, cattle or horses, with dogs, or otherwise, Be It Enacted, That if any person or persons whatsoever, that have been convicted of any of the crimes aforesaid, or other crimes, or that shall be of evil fame, or a vagrant, or dissolute liver, that shall shoot, kill or hunt, or be seen to carry a gun, upon any person’s land, whereon there shall be a seated plantation, without the owner’s leave, having been once before warned, shall forfeit and pay one thousand pounds of tobacco…


1837 Md. Acts 108,An Act for the Preservation of Wild Fowl in the Waters of Smith’s Island and its Vicinity, in Somerset County, §§ 1-2


§ 1. That form and after the first day of May next, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, by day or night to navigate or paddle any open skiff, canoe or open boat of any description, on board of which open skiff, canoe or open boat aforesaid may be any offensive weapon, gun, musket, fowling piece or pistol, . . . within fifty yards of any blind for shooting fowl, with intent to shoot or molest any wild fowl or fowls within the region aforesaid. § 2. That the discovering or finding of any offensive weapon, …


1874 Md. Acts 224, An Act To Protect Wild Fowl in Worcester County, ch. 164, §§ 1-2


§ 1… no person shall, during the hours intervening between twilight at evening and twilight of the following morning, shoot or kill, or shoot at, capture with nets, by fire-light, any wild fowl within the limits of Worcester County. § 2. …no person shall, at any time, kill or shoot at any wild fowl within the limits of Worcester County, with any swivel or pivot gun, or any kind of gun which cannot be conveniently discharged from the shoulder at arms length and without a rest.


Lewis Mayer, Revised Code of the Public General Laws of the State of Maryland, with the Constitution of the State Page 173, Image 202 (1879) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Wild Fowl and Game, § 23. The clerk of the Circuit Court for Harford county, and the clerk of the Circuit Court for Cecil county, shall upon the application of any resident of the State of Maryland, being the owner of any sink-box, craft or sneak-boat, such as is allowed by this act to be used and employed in shooting at wild water fowl therefrom; and giving satisfactory evidence to said clerk that the said applicant is a resident of the State of Maryland, and is the bona fide owner of the sink-box, craft, or sneak-boat, grant a license under …
Felons, Foreigners and Others Deemed Dangerous By the State Hunting Sensitive Places and Times Registration and Taxation


1882 Md. Laws 257, An Act to . . . Exempt All That Portion of the Waters of the Chesapeake Bay Lying Northward of a Certain Line Therein Described from the Operation and Effect of Sections One and Three . . ., ch. 180, § 8


. . . the special police appointed by this act are authorized to arrest any person or persons who may be discovered in the act of hunting or shooting crippled ducks, or in purloining ducks that have been killed by other persons having a proper license to shoot, as well as other persons violating the provisions of this section, and upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace of Cecil or Harford Counties, the license of such persons or persons shall be revoked, and such persons or persons, whether licensed or not, shall be fined not less than twenty …


John Prentiss Poe, The Maryland Code : Public Local Laws, Adopted by the General Assembly of Maryland March 14, 1888. Including also the Public Local Acts of the Session of 1888 incorporated therein Page 1379, Image 304 (Vol. 2, 1888) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Wild Fowl. § 280. It shall be lawful to shoot teal ducks, mallards, black ducks, bald pates, and all other ducks known as marsh ducks, in any manner other than by swivel, gun or big gun, from one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset every day, from the fifteenth day of August to the first day of October of each year, on the waters of the Chesapeake bay, lying and being within the bounds prescribed by section 278.


1886 Md. Laws 730, An Act to Amend . . . An Act To Revise And Consolidate The Several Acts Relating To The Protection Of Game, sub § 4


(description of protected zone with hunting limited to coastal landowners) . . . and any person violating this section, shall, on conviction thereof, before any Justice of the Peace or Circuit Court of the county where such violation occurs, be subject to a penalty for each offense of not less than fifty dollars . . .