The Laws Of Maryland, With The Charter, The Bill Of Rights, The Constitution Of The State, And Its Alterations, The Declaration Of Independence, And The Constitution Of The United States, And Its Amendments Page 465, Image 466 (1811) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


If any person shall be apprehended, having upon him or her any picklock, key, crow, jack, bit or other implement, with an intent feloniously to break and enter into any dwelling-house, ware-house, stable or out-house, or shall have upon him or her any pistol, hanger, cutlass, bludgeon, or other offensive weapon, with intent feloniously to assault any person, or shall be found in or upon any dwelling-house, warehouse, stable or out-house, or in any enclosed yard or garden, or area belonging to any house, with an intent to steal any goods or chattels, every such person shall be deemed a …
Sentence Enhancement for Use of Weapon


John Prentiss Poe, The Maryland Code. Public Local Laws, Adopted by the General Assembly of Maryland March 14, 1888. Including also the Public Local Acts of the Session of 1888 Incorporated Therein Page 522-523, Image 531-532 (Vol. 1, 1888) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


City of Baltimore, § 742. Whenever any person shall be arrested in the city of Baltimore, charged with any crime or misdemeanor, or for being drunk or disorderly, or for any breach of the peace, and shall be taken before any of the police justices of the peace of the said city, and any such person shall be found to have concealed about his person any pistol, dirk knife, bowie-knife, sling-shot, billy, brass, iron or any other metal knuckles, razor, or any other deadly weapon whatsoever, such person shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars …
Sentence Enhancement for Use of Weapon


John Prentiss Poe, The Maryland Code. Public Local Laws, Adopted by the General Assembly of Maryland March 14, 1888. Including also the Acts of the Session of 1888 Incorporated Therein, and Prefaced with the Constitution of the State Page 538, Image 638 (Vol. 1, 1888) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


Crimes and Punishments, Rogues and Vagabonds, § 246. If any person shall be apprehended having upon him any pick-lock, key, crow, jack, bit, or other implement, at places and under circumstances from which an intent may be presumed feloniously to break and enter into any dwelling-house, warehouse, store-house, stable or out-house, or shall have upon him any pistol, hanger, cutlass, bludgeon, or other offensive weapon, also at places and under circumstances from which may be presumed an intent feloniously to assault any person, or shall be found in or upon any dwelling-house, warehouse, storehouse, stable or outhouse, or in any …
Sentence Enhancement for Use of Weapon