1715 Md. Laws 117, An Act For The Speedy Trial Of Criminals, And Ascertaining Their Punishment In The County Courts When Prosecuted There, And For Payment Of Fees Due From Criminal Persons, chap. 26, § 32


That no negro or other slave within this province shall be permitted to carry any gun, or any other offensive weapon, from off their master’s land, without licence from their said master; and if any negro or other slave shall presume so to do, he shall be liable to be carried before a justice of peace, and be whipped, and his gun or other offensive weapon shall be forfeited to him that shall seize the same and carry such negro so offending before a justice of peace.
Race and Slavery Based


1806 Md. Laws 44, An Act To Restrain The Evil Practices Arising From Negroes Keeping Dogs, And To Prohibit Them From Carrying Guns Or Offensive Weapons, ch. 81


…it shall not be lawful for any negro or mulatto within this state to keep any dog, bitch or gun , except he be a free negro or mulatto, and in that case he may be permitted to keep one dog, provided such free negro or mulatto shall obtain a license from a justice of the peace for that purpose, and that the said license shall be in force for one year, and no longer, and if any dog or bitch owned by any negro, not possessed of such license, shall be seen going at large, it shall be lawful …
Race and Slavery Based