Henry Jefferson Leovy, The Laws and General Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, Together with the Acts of the Legislature, Decisions of the Supreme Court, and Constitutional Provisions, Relating to the City Government. Revised and Digested, Pursuant to an Order of the Common Council Page 242, Image 268 (1857) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.


[Ordinances of the City of New dueOrleans,] Revenue – Taxes and Licenses, § No. 680. Every keeper of a pistol gallery, the whole tax being levied on each and every gallery, sixty dollars.
Registration and Taxation


1870 La. Acts 127, Persons, Trades, Professions and Occupations Subject to Taxation, § 3, pt. 6.


From each proprietor or keeper of every billiard saloon, bowling alley or pistol gallery, in which there is but one table, alley or target, twenty-five dollars; where there are two tables, alleys or targets, forty dollars; where there are more than two tables, alleys or targets, ten dollars additional on each table, alley or target.
Registration and Taxation